Growing Resilience for small-scale food producers and inclusive value chains

The number of food-insecure people worldwide is increasing. In Africa, food insecurity has increased from 45 percent in 2015 to 61 percent in 2022,and continues to increase. Globally, small-scale food producers account for a significant portion of the food that is produced and consumed, and they play a crucial role in food security. At the same time, about two-thirds of those experiencing food insecurity are themselves small-scale food producers. Additionally, women are less food secure than men, and the gap in food security between women and men has widened.






Anita Sæbø






The overall objective of this five-year programme is to strengthen food security for more than a million consumers in Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar by increasing small-scale food producers’ production, productivity, market access and climate resilience with a specific focus on women.

About the program

The main focus of the Growing Resilience program to achieve increased food security is to actively work with the entire value chain. The primary activities of the program include capacity building for small-scale food producers, their cooperatives, and farmer-owned companies. This includes climate-adapted production and productivity, as well as business skills such as leadership, financial management, and marketing. Additionally, farmers will receive training to enhance their understanding of the economic benefits of gender equality.

Beyond training, the program will actively support business and value chain development by organizing farmers, strengthening value chain coordination, and ensuring access to inputs. We will develop financial and climate services, as well as invest in resources such as storage facilities, cooling units, agricultural tools, and machinery. This is combined with a focus on meeting market needs and developing frameworks within the value chains that support small-scale food producers.

This is summarized in the following overall programme goals

  1. Increased climate resilient food production and productivity for small-scale food producers

  2. Female small-scale food producers are empowered

  3. Sustainable producer-owned coops and businesses  

  4. Climate resilient small-scale food producers

  5. Framework conditions that support small-scale producers and their businesses