Profitable and Sustainable Aquaculture in Madagascar

Although fish and other seafood is a vital natural resource on Madagascar, several attempts to achieve profitable freshwater fish farming have failed in the past. Since 2011, Norges Vel has developed the value chain of fish farming from egg to table as a climate resilient, sustainable industry. The objective is to reduce poverty, create more jobs and improve nutrition.

About the project

This project is an extension of our previous projects on fish farming for profitable business development in Madagascar. Results and evaluations from previous periods can be found here.

Project goals

  • Sell the annual fish consumption to over 300,000 consumers in Madagascar.

  • Increase production and sales of tilapia: 1,600 tons from TDE.

  • Ensure that TDE, the cooperatives, and their members are self-sufficient and sustainable – economically, organizationally, environmentally, and climatically as well as socio-culturally and technically (including networking).

  • Improve the framework conditions for cooperatives versus informal farmers and businesses in general.

Norges Vel's contribution and role

  • Project management and quality assurance from A to Z in areas such as gender equality, good governance, climate resilience, environmentally friendly and sustainable aquaculture, human rights, and risk management.

  • Provide training and advice in strategy, financial management, organization, as well as business and market development.

  • Advocacy for sustainable framework conditions for the development of aquaculture and business development in Madagascar specifically and Africa in general.