Bio-spray prevents mould and generates income


More than one million households in Mozambique grow and sell cashew nuts. But the country's cashew trees have low productivity due to mould on the cashew flowers. Now, efforts are going to be made to develop a new bio-spray against mould to boost cashew production and the farmers' incomes.

Mould that attacks the cashew flowers prevents pollination, resulting in fewer cashew apples. This is the fruit that the seed, that is, the cashew nut, grows on. Many farmers routinely lose two-thirds of their production and thus significant income.

For many years, Mozambique's National Cashew Institute (INCAJU) has subsidised the import of chemicals used to prevent mould on cashew trees. This has been a very costly programme and INCAJU has announced that 2020 will be the last year for free chemicals. Fortunately, experiments with bio-spray have shown promising results.


With this project, Norges Vel intends to help develop an effective bio-spray and an improved method for spraying. By avoiding mould on the cashew trees while they flower, the farmers' cashew production and income will increase to up to three times what they are today. In addition, the production and distribution of bio-spray will create new jobs.

About the project

The bio-spray is a cocktail of microbes and micro-organisms and works like a pesticide to reinforce natural processes. The experiments have shown that sprayed trees produce up to 10-12 kg per year, compared with 3-4 kg for trees that have not been sprayed. One of the most important ingredients in the bio-spray is molasses (sugar) from the cashew apple. By making bio-spray, the cashew apple will also have a value, and will not merely be considered a waste product.

One of the benefits documented through the experiments with bio-spray, is that the cashew apples from trees sprayed with bio-spray do not contain harmful toxins and can be eaten safely. Thus, the cashew apple can also be used for food and animal feed. By using bio-spray, it is also possible to avoid exposing the crops cultivated between the cashew trees to toxic chemicals. The same applies to the person who does the spraying. In other words, it will not be dangerous for pregnant women or women with children to spray the cashew trees.

In 2020, experiments have been conducted with a bio-spray made up of different ingredients, in addition to experiments to test different spraying times and frequencies. After the tests are analysed, reviews will be made of earlier studies on the content and use of bio-spray. This is intended to lead to an improved product, and to an appropriate frequency for spraying that brings healthier trees and higher incomes for cashew farmers in Mozambique.

In addition to improving income and food safety for the individual cashew farmer, production, distribution and spraying will create jobs and contribute significant income to the local communities.  

Cashew apple


  • Identify local ingredients that can be used in the bio-spray and which can be manufactured in large quantities

  • Identify effective spraying methods and determine when and how often to spray

  • Develop a business plan for the cost-efficient production and distribution of bio-spray in Mozambique

  • Help ensure that the authorities put into place sound guidelines for the use of bio-spray in the cashew sector

  • Start working on organic certification for the bio-spray

 Norges Vel's contribution and role

  • Project management and quality assurance from A to Z

  • Ensure quality and training in relation to the project

  • Facilitate cooperation between Norwegian and local partners

  • Contribute to strategically correct positioning in respect of local authorities

  • Contribute to building up the capacity of local partners

  • Ensure long-term sustainability and growth

  • Promote confidence and a long-term perspective to attract new partnerships

The sustainability goals in the project

In the autumn of 2015, UN member states adopted 17 goals for sustainable development by 2030. All of Norges Vels' projects support the sustainability goals.

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