Driving Food Sovereignty with Agroecology

Hunger is increasing in Africa, and Mozambique faces a severe hunger crisis. Small-scale farmers struggle with inefficient local food value chains, lack of quality inputs, and poor market access. Women, who make up a significant portion of the agricultural workforce, have fewer resources and opportunities. Climate change exacerbates these problems with extreme weather and unpredictable growing seasons.


We aim to assist 5,000 small-scale farmers in northern Mozambique in achieving food sovereignty, increasing their incomes, and building resilience against climate change. By empowering farmers with local knowledge, social support, necessary inputs, and market connections, we aim to develop a regional network of agroecological hubs that will serve as a model for scaling food security and sovereignty throughout Mozambique.





Cornelius Johannes Van Blerk





About the project

  1. Scaling Agroecology: We use the farmer-to-farmer approach and local farmer handbooks tailored to the Mozambican context to spread effective agroecological (AE) practices and catalyze a paradigm shift in farmers' thinking.

  2. Agroecological Hubs: We will establish 25 agroecological hubs in five districts of Nampula and Zambezia provinces to promote low-input, nature-based farming.

  3. Training Agroecological Promoters: We will increase the number of promoters annually to guide more families and expand the movement.

  4. Creation of Seed Banks and Distribution of Inputs: Distribute necessary seeds, seedlings, livestock, and agricultural tools. Provide support and training in the establishment and management of community seed banks.

  5. Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: Provide intensive training for female farmers. Create initiatives to address gender disparities related to food security outcomes.

  6. Community Savings Groups: Encourage and support self-financing activities among farmers.

  7. National Advocacy: Promote agroecological methods at the national level.

  8. Capacity Building: Strengthen an agroecological umbrella cooperative to connect AE producers with formal local markets.