Support to the aquaculture sector in Mozambique materializes
On April 21st, 6,800 fingerlings produced at CEPAQ were delivered alive to IMPC after a journey of approximately 15 hours.
The National Institute of Fisheries Research in co-operation with Norges Vel, continues the project of building a platform for aquaculture development in Mozambique at the Mozambican Aquaculture Research Centre, CEPAQ, (CEPAQ-Project).
“The procject will also co-operate with The Instituto Politecnico Mario Cipriano, (IPMC) in Nacuxa, Nampula, Mozambique. IPCM has requested the purchase of fingerlings and technical assistance from CEPAQ”, says Jose Ramos, Norges Vels project leader at CEPAQ.
Restarted production and sale of tilapia fingerlings
The CEPAQ project has restarted the production and sale of tilapia fingerlings to farms in Mozambique as well as continuing with the development of the project. Strict procedures are implemented that include verification, -done by high qualified expertise from CEPAQ-, of the farms before the delivery of live fish is done.
“Technical staff will also monitor the fish health on farms who receive fingerlings and broodstock. A great part of the work is related to biosecurity and production procedures. The Mozambican National Institute of Fish Inspection also supported the processes with own expertise”, says Ramos.
A journey of 15 hours
On April 21st, 6,800 fingerlings produced at CEPAQ were delivered alive to IMPC after a journey of approximately 15 hours, and only 6 fingerlings were registered dead at the arrival.
“IMPC’s plans is a) to produce breeders, b) consolidate a hatchery that is under development in Nacuxa and c) test the production of tilapia. IMPC students, technical staff and administrative staff have now a great opportunity and challenges to consolidate the production of Tilapia, says Ramos.
Even the quantity of fingerlings can be considered limited, it represents a milestone given the small and big challenges regarding CEPAQ situation and the production and transportation from Chokwe to Nacuxa in Nampula.
“The production, quality assurance, transportation and delivery of the fingerlings are results of the efforts done by CEPAQ staff, the technical support of MacAlister Elliott & Partners, INIP and Norges Vel staff in Mozambique. Our gratitude to all of you who support CEPAQ-Project and good luck to IMPC, we will continue joining efforts to support the development of the aquaculture sector in Mozambique”, says Ramos.