Preserving biodiversity in Transylvania

Biodiversity, illustrated by tomatoes of many colours and sizes

Transylvania, located in northwestern Romania, has a formidable assortment of old varieties of vegetables, which is absolutely unique. Now this genetic and biological diversity is threatened by foreign investors acquiring land for more modern, standardised agricultural production. Norges Vel was commissioned by the Civitas Foundation for Civil Society in Romania to help preserve the biodiversity.




2014 - 2017


Jorunn Tønnesen


Agrar Media




Eea Grants

Norges Vel will contribute its expertise in networking and cooperative solutions, as well as its knowledge about biodiversity. The project will teach local farmers about the importance of maintaining biodiversity to protect local resources. In addition, a network of Romanian and foreign organisations will be set up to help influence local authorities in the right direction.


The project's paramount goal is to: Safeguard biodiversity in Transylvania by establishing networks of cooperation between smallholder farmers, NGOs, institutions, government authorities and consumers.

Generate knowledge among the smallholders about the value of diversity and to make a list of the old varieties of vegetables, in particular. Collect and revitalise old and traditional varieties of seeds and to raise awareness of genetic and biological diversity.

Establish a network of Romanian and foreign organisations that can cooperate on providing advisory services and strive to achieve legislative amendments and to encourage local authorities to focus more attention on biological diversity.

About the project

The Civitas Foundation for Civil Society (Civitas) is behind the project and has invited Norges Vel to participate, based on its experience with previous cooperative projects on biodiversity. The project focuses on smallholders, NGOs and public institutions.

Norges Vel will establish networks and develop two experimental gardens. In addition, it will help develop cooperative solutions for smallholders. Instruction will also be provided for how to collect seeds and preserve old seeds.

The project started in 2014 and ran for three years. Civitas was the main partner in the project, in addition to the NGO EcoRuralis and the media company Agrar Media.

The project is funded by EEA Grants (European Economic Area).

Norges Vel's contribution and role

  • Expertise in networking and cooperation

  • Knowledge of biological diversity

  • Experience gained from the establishment of several experimental gardens


  • A network involving several organisations has been established

  • A shared vision for the project has been drawn up