CEPAQ - The Centre for Aquaculture Research


CEPAQ (Centro de Pesquisa em Aquacultura) is an important player in the development of the aquaculture sector in Mozambique. CEPAQ will contribute to profitable farming of the species Tilapia.

See several pictures from the project further down in the article

CEPAQ was established in response to a national and international wish to develop the aquaculture sector in Mozambique. The venture was established with support from Norway and Iceland from 2013 to 2017.

CEPAQ is a facility that features a breeding programme for genetic enhancement of Oreochromis mossambicus and for the production of fry and hatchery fish of the species Oreochromis niloticus to be sold to fish-farmers in Mozambique.

CEPAQ is owned by Mozambique's Ministry of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries (MIMAIP), and is operated by a subordinate institution known as the Fisheries Research Institute (IIP).

Norges Vel's contribution and role

After the project period based on support from Norway and Iceland was concluded in spring 2018, in July 2018, Norges Vel was assigned to assist with the operation of CEPAQ temporarily, pending possible new project financing. One important aspect of the assignment was to draw up a proposal for further long-term funding for CEPAQ.

Norway and Mozambique decided to continue cooperating on the centre, and the final financing for 2019-2024 was put in place in August 2019. Since January 2020, Norges Vel has had regular representation at CEPAQ.

Norges Vel's primary role in CEPAQ involves being a neutral player tasked with leading the transition phase, while CEPAQ carves out a position as an independent organisation. Among other things, Norges Vel will lead the process and administrate CEPAQ until the new legal entity has been established, is operational, and has a new managing director in place. After that, Norges Vel will continue as an adviser and inspector, gradually phasing out its involvement from 2021 to 2024.

Norges Vel's assignment is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The sustainability goals in the project

In the autumn of 2015, UN member states adopted 17 goals for sustainable development by 2030. All of Norges Vels' projects support the sustainability goals.

This project contributes to:

Pictures from CEPAQ

Photo: Claudio Lessa og José Ramos.